1 Corinthians 4:7 (ESV)
[7] For who sees anything different in you? What
do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast
as if you did not receive it?
wrote to the Corinthian church reminding them that they were not the source of
their own blessings, their own glory, their own wisdom, their own spiritual
insight, or their own possessions. All that they had was a gift from God. We
pride ourselves in being self-made individuals. The area where I grew up took
independent, self-sufficient people to settle this harsh land. In the summer
there were swamps and mosquitoes thick enough to kill an animal. In the winter
there was fifty below temperatures plus windchill, and deep snow. Early
settlers had no one to depend on but themselves. That self-sufficient mind set
has carried down through the generations to produce hard working, independent,
self-sufficient individuals.
is not bad. It is a stark contrast with the dependent, entitled culture that
seems to be developing in recent years among some. But there is a danger in
both positions. Entitlement fails to understand sin. Entitlement fails to
understand that we do not deserve the blessings we have received.
Self-sufficiency feels that it needs to earn its way. Entitled individuals
think they deserve more than they have. Self-sufficient individuals think they have
earned all that they have. The truth is that all we have is a gift from God. Both
positions forget that. As those blessed and gifted by God, we are simply
servants and stewards. That is exactly how Paul described himself earlier in 1
Corinthians 4.
do you have that you did not receive? If then you received it, why do you boast
as if you did not receive it” (1 Cor 4:7)? There is certainly room for stepping
back from a finished project and being pleased with what you have accomplished.
But even then, perhaps we should breath a prayer of thanks for the privilege of
creating, the ability to create, and the resources to do what we just did. Everything
we have is a gift from God. Not everyone has the ability to do what we just
did. Not everyone has the resources to accomplish what we just accomplished. All
we have is a gift from God. In receiving gifts there is no room for arrogance
or entitlement, only humility and gratitude. Whether we are creating a work of
art, restoring a piece of furniture, cooking a tasty meal, loving on our children
or grand-children, teaching a Bible lesson, or simply taking another breath, gratitude
should be the attitude of our heart.
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