Eph 1:1-14

As we reflect on the past year and anticipate a new year, it would do us well to remember who we are as believers in Jesus Christ. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians begins by doing just that. He reminds them that in Christ they are blessed with every spiritual blessing (Eph 1:3) and chosen to be holy and blameless (Eph 1:4). He recalls for them God’s love which predestined them for adoption through Christ (Eph 1:5). He tells them again how they have been blessed with grace through their identity in Christ who is the Beloved of God (Eph 1:6). He highlights the truth that in Christ they have redemption through Jesus’ blood according to the riches of his grace. That grace, he explains, has been lavished upon them in wisdom and insight, revealing the very mystery of God’s will in Christ (Eph 1:7-9). He then reminds them that they have obtained an inheritance in Christ (Eph 1:11) and been sealed with the Holy Spirit whom God had promised in the Old Testament (Eph 1:13).

Just reflecting on that which believers have in Christ is pretty amazing. We have received blessing, adoption, abundant lavished grace, redemption, revelation, and security. All of that is the result of the believer’s identity in Christ. Eight times in fourteen verses our identity in Christ is referenced. So how does one become identified with Christ? How do we get to be “in Christ” (Eph 1:3)? What is our part? It is really pretty simple. Verse 13 spells it out. We heard the word of truth (the gospel) and we believed in him (Eph 1:13). That’s it. We heard and we believed.

As we look to a new year let me challenge you to consider two question:
1.     Have you believed? The gospel is simple. We have nothing to offer God except brokenness. God freely offers forgiveness, life, and wholeness through the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ. It is a gift received by faith. Have you believed?

2.     Have you forgotten who you are? If you are a believer then you are in Christ. The Apostle Peter writes that if we are not growing in holiness it is not because we are not committed enough. It is not because we are not strong enough. It is not because we are not dedicated enough. It is because we have forgotten that we have been cleansed from our sin (2 Pet 1:9). Have you forgotten?

Consider the two questions above. As you begin a new year I encourage you to put your faith in Christ if you have never done so. Then, reflect on all you are in Christ. The Christian life is not about becoming something. It is about being someone in Christ. Our identity is no longer found in what we have done, but in who we are in Christ. Think on these things.
