Top Ten (Pt 5)

I have been sharing the Top Ten Things Every Pastor Wished Their Congregation Knew, but Was Afraid to Tell Them. Here is number 6:

I need somebody to feed me too, but I can’t really afford the books, magazines, journals and conferences that might help. – Jn 21.15-17

In John 21 Peter was tasked with feeding Jesus sheep. That is the task of the pastor/shepherd. We feed the sheep. We work hard at understanding, teaching, and preaching the Word of God. But who feeds the shepherd? When I was examined for ordination back in the 70s, one of the pastors on the ordination council asked me what I read. Did I read any newspapers, magazines, etc. He wanted to know if I was staying in touch with the world around me. The truth is, for many years as a young pastor I couldn’t afford magazines or newspapers. I couldn’t afford a commentary on the book I was trying to preach through. I couldn’t afford the Christian periodicals, journals, and conferences that were designed to feed me so that I could remain healthy as a church leader.

See that your pastor has the funds and the time to attend conferences. Make sure he has access to the commentaries, books, and whatever else will contribute to his spiritual and emotional health. As a pastor I need somebody to feed me too, but I can’t really afford the books, magazines, journals and conferences that might help.
