Top Ten (Pt 7)

I have been sharing the Top Ten Things Every Pastor Wished Their Congregation Knew, but Was Afraid to Tell Them. Here is number 4:

While I am not in the ministry for money, it takes money to live. I have gone to some of the most expensive private schools in the country in order to work in one of the lowest paying jobs. Encourage we with a raise, or additional benefits. (I don’t even want to think about retirement) – 1 Tim 5.17-18

Timothy was instructed in 1 Timothy 5:17, “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, ‘You shall not muzzle an ox when it treads out the grain,’ and,  ‘The laborer deserves his wages.’” The translators’ notes in the New English Translation of the Bible say that the phrase “double honor” indicates “both respect and remuneration: ‘honor plus honorarium.’” I have no doubt that someone somewhere entered the ministry because he thought it was an easy way to make money. No pastor I know thinks that. They need to feed their families, but they are more concerned about God’s call than man’s provision. I was asked about this recently by a young man who was being asked to candidate for a ministry position. They had gotten to the point where they were asking him to come as an official candidate, but nobody had mentioned what the pay was. He said, “I’m not in it for the money, but if I can’t feed and clothe my family I can’t take the job. When do I bring up the question of salary?” It’s a tough question because we never want to give the impression that we are in ministry for the money. We’re not! But we do need to eat. Our family likes to take vacations just like everyone else does. We’ve moved our family across the country to serve this church. Our children would like to see their grandparents sometime. How do we pay for that? While I am not in the ministry for money, it takes money to live. I have gone to some of the most expensive private schools in the country in order to work in one of the lowest paying jobs. Encourage we with a raise, or additional benefits. (I don’t even want to think about retirement)
