Romans 1 (Pt 1)

Romans 1:1 (ESV)

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God,

The first seven verses of Romans 1 are chock full of theology. The theme of this letter to the Romans is introduced in this first verse, that is the gospel. Paul is set apart by God as an apostle for the sake of the gospel of God in which Christ Jesus is central. The centrality of the gospel is established.

The theology of the Trinity and the theology of the Hypostatic Union (a fifty dollar phrase that means Jesus was both fully God and fully man) are both demonstrated. Paul is a servant of Christ Jesus. Jesus is both the son “descended from David according to the flesh,” and “the Son of God in power according to the Spirit” (vs 4). The Father, Son, and Spirit are all a part of the story. Throughout these seven verses you see references to each of the members of the Godhead.

The truth that Jesus Christ is both God and man is established through his death and resurrection. The death and resurrection of Jesus are central to the gospel. It is for the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that Paul was set apart. It is through Jesus Christ that “we have received grace and apostleship” (vs 5). Grace and apostleship. Grace is God’s favor. Apostle simply means one sent. As believers we have received grace and have been sent to bring the gospel of “the obedience of faith” to the nations. Jesus Christ, who is both God and man, has commissioned us as believers to take the gospel of faith to the nations.

It is this original commission to the Apostles and the early church that resulted in the gospel being carried to us as believers today. Whether Jew or Gentile we are “loved by God and called to be saints” (vs 7). Saints are holy ones, individuals set apart unto God for his purposes. Grace and peace have come to those who believe. That gift of grace and peace should motivate us to take the Good News of grace and peace to our world. The offer of grace and peace is not reserved for select individuals, but for the nations.

There is so much theology in these first seven verses of Romans 1 that we could take weeks to unpack it all. The central idea wrapped up in all this theology is the gospel. It is the gospel that saves. It is the gospel that brings grace and peace. It is the gospel that transforms our lives and motivates us to carry that Good News to the rest of the world. May we never lose the centrality or the wonder of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
