Romans 2:19, 23-24 (ESV)
[19] and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a
light to those who are in darkness,
[23] You who boast in the law dishonor God by breaking the law. [24]
For, as it is written, “The name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles
because of you.”
Hypocrisy makes me angry. Those who say, “Follow the science,”
but they only follow the science when it is convenient to them or supports their
ideology . . . those who say, “We must be tolerant of everybody,” and then are violently
intolerant of those who disagree with them . . . these things make me crazy. But
the truth is, Christians are hypocritical too.
Romans 2:17-24 is a fascinating paragraph. In this paragraph
God takes the Jews to task for claiming to have truth, teach truth, and exemplify
truth while excusing behavior that dishonors God. Paul concludes, “The name of
God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you.” Their hypocrisy
dishonored God and caused the name of God to be blasphemed by others.
The church scandals that have rocked the church in America
for the past 50 years have given Christianity a bad name. From misuse and abuse
of funds. to abuse of power, to immoral behavior on the part of church leaders,
scandals have given the church a black eye. But the truth is, it is our own
behavior locally that causes others to blaspheme God’s name.
Our violent intolerance of immoral behavior on the part of
people who do not claim to follow Christ dishonors the name of Christ. Our
anger toward those who disagree with us dishonors the name of Christ. Our concern
for nationalism over biblical Christianity dishonors the name of Christ. Our
attempts to force unbelievers to live by Christian standards dishonors the name
of Christ. It is not our goal to moralize unbelievers but to evangelize and
disciple them. That is a very different thing.
Perhaps it is time for us to take a good look in the mirror as believers in Jesus Christ. Do people truly see Jesus in us. The Jews saw themselves as champions of truth, a “guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness,” yet their behavior was not consistent with their claims. It is likely an accusation that could as easily be made against the modern church. Lord, forgive us for our hypocrisy. Open our eyes and break our hearts over the ways in which we have dishonored your name. When the World sees us, may they see you.
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