Romans 5:17 (ESV)
[17] For if, because of one man’s trespass, death reigned through that
one man, much more will those who receive the abundance of grace and the free
gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ.
Death and sin reigned, but in Christ we will reign and righteousness does reign.
That word “reign” runs through the last two paragraphs of Romans 5. Death
reigned (verses 14, 17). Those who receive grace and the free gift of
righteousness reign (verse 17). “As sin reigned in death grace also might reign
through righteousness” (verse 21). Death reigned. Believers will reign. Grace
reigns. Sin results in the reign of death. The free gift of righteousness
results in the reign of grace and the future reign of believers.
It is a now and not yet reign. When people move from the reign of sin to the reign of grace by faith, they are reconciled to God and restored, yet the fullness of their reign is yet to be seen. There is a day coming when all things will be set right. There is coming a day when ours will be a reign in which creation again cooperates. There is coming a day when because of the reign of grace in righteousness we too will reign as we were designed to do. Sin reigned. Grace reigns. Believers will reign. Celebrate that truth!
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