Psalm 77

Psalms 77:19-20 (ESV)

[19] Your way was through the sea,

your path through the great waters;

yet your footprints were unseen.

[20] You led your people like a flock

by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

These verses are a reference to the time when the Red Sea was divided and the people of God were rescued from the Egyptians. When Israel arrived at the sea they saw no escape. The Egyptian army was bearing down on them. They were trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea, with no way out. They were following the Lord’s lead, yet the footprints of God were unseen. The fact that they could see no way out did not mean that there was no way out. God miraculously opened a totally unexpected exit through the sea.

Similarly we sometimes find ourselves in a place where we can see no hope and no way out. We desire to follow God, but his “footprints” are invisible to our eye. We can’t see the way forward. It is in those times that we are called to trust. We sometimes can’t see even the next step. God’s way may be through the waters (think Israel and the Red Sea), or through the fire (think Daniel’s friends in the fiery furnace), or through the cave (think David hiding from Saul), yet God has a way through and we can trust him. In those times we stand firm in what we know and trust him to reveal the way in his time.
