Psalm 9

Psalms 9:20 (ESV)

Put them in fear, O LORD!

Let the nations know that they are but men! Selah


In 1887 Lord Acton wrote, “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” One of my seminary professors, Howard Hendricks I believe, said, “Never believe your press reports.” What he meant by that was that someone at some point in your ministry will say, “You are the best preacher I have ever heard.” What they mean is that God used you in their lives that day. But our tendency is to hear the “best preacher” part and get a big head. That is what power does. Whether we are talking about political power, the power of influence, or spiritual power, the position is heady. Internally we know that we are but men, but we begin to believe our press reports. If you sit in the White House you begin to believe that you truly are the most powerful person on earth. You forget that you are there to serve. If you are an organizational leader the tendency is to judge your personal significance by the size, influence, growth, or success of the organization. When you are a pastor or leader of a Christian ministry the temptation is the same. We can easily forget that any power or authority we have is simply a stewardship from God. If we forget that we are “but men,” God has a way of reminding us, and it is not a fun process. Effective leadership comes from a heart of humility, not from pride and arrogance. “Let the nations know (oh Lord) that they are but men!” And don’t let me forget it either.
