2 Timothy 1:9 (ESV)
who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works
but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus
before the ages began,
The truths in this verse are at the heart of the gospel and
Christian ministry. He saved us and called us to a holy calling. We could spend
a lot of time talking about that holy calling, but what I noticed this morning
is the reason for his saving and calling us. It is “not because of our works.” I
fear that while we agree that our salvation is not because of works, we then
too often fall into a Christian life and ministry that is characterized by an
assumption that God really loves us, really accepts us, really blessed us if we
are obedient. We may talk about grace in our presentation of the gospel, but we
try to live out a Christian life of works. Neither God’s salvation nor his holy
calling is based on works. It is based on his purpose and his grace. Here is
the fascinating revelation of these verses. That purpose and grace was given to
us in Christ “before the ages began.” That’s a mind blower. Before I was born, before
my grandparents were born, before America was a country, before Europe ever
heard about Jesus, before Jesus was even born, before Abraham was born, before Adam
was created, before God spun this world into existence by the power of his
word, he gave me salvation and a holy calling by his own purpose and grace. Do
I understand how this works? No. Am I preaching a particular brand of theology?
No. I am simply amazed by the clear statement of this verse. He saved me and
called me in Christ Jesus before the ages began by his purpose and grace not
because of anything I have done. That’s enough to make me dance, and I don’t
dance. Let me encourage you to spend some time today reflecting on this
incredible truth.
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