Spiritual Gifts - 2 Tim 1:6

2 Timothy 1:6 (ESV)

For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands,

“Fan into flames the gift of God.” That seems like an odd statement. If it is a gift of God, then why does Timothy need to fan it into flames? Shouldn’t the gift of God be fanning him into flames? How does this work?

God gifts every believer for ministry of some type. It also seems that when God calls a person to ministry he gifts or equips that person for that ministry. Timothy had apparently received a gift from God at the time he was ordained for ministry at Paul’s hand. Still the phrase, “Use it or lose it” seems to apply. If we are not using the gifts that God has given us thy seem to fade and need to be fanned back into flames like a hot coal with fresh kindling. Blowing on the coal can cause the kindling to burst into flames.

It causes me to pause and reflect on the gifts God has given me. Am I using them for the good of the Body, the church? Do they need to be reignited or fanned back into flames? We would do well, I think, to do an occasional inventory of our lives. How has God gifted us, and are we using those gifts as he intended? They are not given for attention or glory, but for the furtherance of the gospel and the growth of the Body of Christ.
