2 Timothy 3:14 (ESV)
But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly
believed, knowing from whom you learned it
Two things prompt Paul to encourage Timothy to continue in what he had
firmly believed. First was the truth that life is hard for believers. I addressed
that in a previous blog. The second is that the world will become increasingly
evil. Not only will the world continue in wickedness, but there are those who claim
to be believers who will increase in sin as well. That is the sad truth. Those
who have an appearance of godliness (see 2 Tim 3:5) will not only be living a
self-centered life, but they will be teaching others and drawing them away from
the truth of God’s Word. We live in a day foreseen by the Scriptures, a day when
even the church calls evil good and good evil, a day when that which is contrary
to the very nature, character, and purpose of God is celebrated in the church. With
slick words they “creep into households and capture weak women, burdened with
sins and led astray by various passions, always learning and never able to
arrive at a knowledge of the truth” (2 Tim 3:6-7). How are we to respond to
these slick teachers of immorality and wickedness in the church? As believers
in Jesus Christ, we are to avoid such teachers (2 Tim 3:5). We are not to fret,
for “they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all” (2 Tim 3:9).
We are to follow the teaching of the Scriptures carefully in our own life (2
Tim 3:10-16). We are to continue firmly in the truth of the gospel that we
first believed (2 Tim 3:14). God knew this day would come. Let us not fear but
walk faithfully and carefully by faith, according to the Word of God..
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