The Coming Kingdom - 2 Timothy 4:1

2 Timothy 4:1 (ESV)

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:

There is a three-fold foundation for Paul’s charge to Timothy to proclaim the word, the omnipresence of God and Christ Jesus, the fact that Jesus will judge the living and the dead, and the fact that Jesus will return and set up his kingdom. I wrote about the first two foundations in earlier blogs. Jesus’s appearing and his kingdom is the final foundation for Paul’s charge. It makes me wonder how future kingdom oriented we are. There is a country western song that says, “Lord I wanna go to Heaven, but I don't wanna go tonight.”[1] I fear that is the mindset of too many believers. We pray, “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done. . .” but we don’t want the kingdom to come tonight.

The early church was kingdom minded. They lived in anticipation of Jesus’s return. They understood that this world is only temporary at best. Their goal was not “Your Best Life Now.”[2] They were focused on the best life coming. We can face difficulties now when we know that something better is coming. We can sacrifice now when we know the kingdom is around the corner. We can let go of the need to see everything, do everything, experience everything when we know that this life is simply a broken version of God’s intention for us. The kingdom is coming when all will be set right. How might it change us if we lived in anticipation of the kingdom?

[1] Joe Diffie, Prop Me Up Beside the Jukebox

[2] The title of a book by Joel Osteen. A quick Google search of the phrase reveals how central that phrase is to our way of thinking.
