Titus 2:15 - Spiritual Authority

Titus 2:15 (ESV)

Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you.

Sound doctrine and teaching produces healthy biblical living. That is the context in which Paul gives Titus this charge in Titus 2:15. At first glance it sounds quite harsh. It almost sounds like Paul is saying that Titus is to rule over the church with a strong, heavy hand. Declare means simply to speak, thus Titus is to speak all the things Paul has just instructed the church. The word exhort is often translated encourage. It has a positive tone. Encourage the people to follow Paul’s instructions. Rebuke is really the only harsh word in the verse. It means to expose and reprove sin. All of this Titus is to do with authority. The word authority is a combination of two words. The first word epi means “on.” Tasso means to arrange in a fitting manner. The HELPS Word-Study says it is “a command ‘fitting’ to the situation, i.e. an order that arranges things so they build on (Gk epi) each other to achieve the needed goal.” Additionally, Titus is not to let anyone look down on him as he speaks these things to the church. This would require that Titus live out what he is teaching. A misreading of this passage has contributed to heavy-handed and abusive leadership. Properly applied, a pastor or spiritual leader in a church is to live the truth, speak the truth, expose areas where the truth of the Word is not being lived into, and encourage people to walk in the truth of God’s Word. Any authority that Titus possesses is not in himself, but in a life and teaching that aligns with the Word. May we never forget where authority lies, not in a position or title, but in the Word of God.
