We need Windows - Malachi 2:10

Malachi 2:10 (ESV)

Have we not all one Father? Has not one God created us? Why then are we faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of our fathers?

The Israelites thought that the covenants that God made with Abraham and Moses were for the purpose of keeping them special and apart from the rest of the world. They did not understand that while the Mosaic Covenant was for their protection, the Abrahamic Covenant indicated that they were to be a blessing to the nations. Even Moses covenant had a means by which non-Jews could come under the Jewish covenant of blessing. The covenants were not to keep them away from the nations, but to make them a blessing to the nations. Similarly, as our world spirals into ungodliness many Christians have acted as though the New Covenant of the gospel is for the purpose of keeping us untainted by the world. The gospel is the fulfillment of the Abrahamic and Mosaic covenants. As such it is intended to make the people of God a blessing to the world. It is not for us to build walls and be safe, but to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to a very broken world.

The light shines brightest in the darkness unless we build walls without windows in order to stay untainted by the world. It is not for us to be like the world, but to be like Christ. What we forget is that to be like Christ means connecting with the world. Jesus could have stayed in Heaven surrounded by angels singing his glory. Instead, he chose to become like us so that we could become like him. Let’s tear down some walls and put in some windows so that the world can truly see his glory in us.
