Wise Men Seek Him - Matthew 2:12

Matthew 2:12 (ESV)

And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their own country by another way.

The Wise Men followed, sought, worshipped, and obeyed. Herod sought to kill the child. The “Bible” experts ignored him. I usually see a sign somewhere around Christmas saying, “Wise Men Still Seek Him,” but for some reason I did not see it this year. What concerns me in this story is that those who knew the Scriptures best were the least interested. They had the Torah. They had the Old Testament prophets and poetry. They studied them, memorized them, debated them, but failed to take them to heart. It is a warning for us today. It is possible to become lovers of the word without being lovers of the Word. It is possible to love the study of the Bible more than we love the object of the Bible. I pray that will never be true in my life. May we as professed believers study the Scriptures but love God.
