Philippians 1:28 - An Omen

Philippians 1:28 (ESV)

and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God.

“This will be a sign to them.” It is an omen, a demonstration of proof, a record of authenticity that what we claim to believe is actually true. It is a sign of their destruction. The World cannot understand our commitment to the gospel. The world cannot understand our peace in a broken, scary world. A couple weeks ago I heard the testimony of a man who is terminally ill. Through his sickness he has had the opportunity to pray for nurses, doctors, specialists, and more. He was so excited about how God is using his illness in a way he could never have imagined. It started when a nurse suggested that when the doctors come in, he offer to pray for them. He did, and they were deeply moved by the request. The hospital administrator came into his room with a rather stern look. “I hear that you have been praying for my doctors. Why?” When he explained his faith the Administrator’s countenance changed. He said, “I’m a believer too. Would you pray for me?” What a crazy journey he has been on. Who would imagine that a terminal illness would generate so many opportunities for ministry. But it is that joy in the face of darkness that is a sign of the validity of his faith. The world does not have that kind of hope.

It is a sign not only to unbelievers, but a sign to us as well. It is a reminder of our salvation. Now the way the word salvation is used here, but may be a reference to our eternal salvation, or because Paul uses the very same word in verse 19 when he speaks of his deliverance from chains, it may be a reference to God’s deliverance from whatever attacks or difficulties we are currently facing. Either way, standing firm in the face of opposition, standing firm in the face of the darkness that life throws at us, it is a reminder that as believers in Jesus Christ we will be delivered from our current situation, and that we will be delivered for eternity. Lack of fear is a sign of our faith, so why is it that so many of us who claim to be believers allow fear to drive us? Do we really believe what we claim to believe?
