Philippians 2:14-15 (ESV)
[14] Do all things without grumbling or disputing, [15] that you may
be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a
crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,
If we were to read verse 15 alone we might answer the question of what it
looks like to be blameless and innocent in a twisted generation differently. We
would likely say that it is a challenge to not be crooked and twisted like the
world. We might say that it means not to be immoral or unethical like the world.
We might say that it means that we don’t employ the world’s impure and immoral
speech. But that is not what Paul said. Let me assure you that there was plenty
of immorality and unethical behavior in Philippi as there was everywhere in the
Roman empire, yet what Paul describes in verse 14 as being blameless and
innocent in a crooked, twisted world is very different from our answers. He
says to do all things without grumbling or disputing.
This time of year in Minnesota I hear, and I do lots of grumbling about the
weather. We are beginning to wonder if Spring will ever come. Two days ago, it
felt like Spring. Yesterday I woke up to six inches of snow and by the end of
the day I had eleven inches of snow at my house. This morning it is below zero
again. So, we grumble. We also argue. Every little difference, irritation, or disagreement
becomes ground for grumbling in our spirits until it becomes arguing in words
and actions.
What church has not experienced a split or a mass exodus? What church has
not divided over something? How can we, as believers in Jesus Christ, be lights
in the world when we are as grumbling and divisive as the world is? Granted, there are some things that we need to
divide over, but most of the things that divide us have no eternal
significance. Verse 13 says, “it is God who works in you, both to will and to
work for his good pleasure.” His good pleasure is that we do all things without
grumbling or disputing. How might that change our testimony in the world if
they saw believers as people who can have difficult conversations and disagreements
and yet do that with grace and peace rather than grumbling and disputing? Then
we might truly be lights in a crooked world.
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