Matthew 7:24 - A House on the Rock

Matthew 7:24 (ESV)

“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock."

Growing up in church this story created a mental picture that was unforgettable. Yet as memorable as the story is, I sometimes wonder if we have missed the point. There are two parts to Jesus’s teaching here. The first is hearing. The second is doing. If we do not hear accurately then we do not do accurately. If we hear, but do not do, we have failed to build on the foundation.

Hearing and doing are essential, but what is it that we are to hear? Throughout the Sermon on the Mount there are two significant teachings. First, our holiness must exceed that of the Scribes and Pharisees. Second, true holiness starts internally, not externally. I fear that those who emphasize the “do” part of Jesus’s statement miss the internal holiness part, and those who hear the internal holiness part miss the “do.” They cannot be separated.

So, what do we do about this? Simply said, pursue internal holiness and let it flow out through you in how you interact with God and people. Let your prayers be prayers of genuine fellowship. Let your love be without limit. Let go of anxiety and trust God. Keep your word. Guard your heart. Set your heart on things above and pursue true holiness that is found in Christ. As you do that, you are building on the solid foundation Jesus was talking about.
