Matthew 8:34 - Good News in the Darkness

Matthew 8:34 (ESV)

And behold, all the city came out to meet Jesus, and when they saw him, they begged him to leave their region.

Jesus just encountered two men who were demonized and living in tombs or burial caves. They were so violent that people avoided the area at all costs. But when Jesus came the demons cried out in fear. They asked to be allowed to demonize a herd of pigs. Upon entering the pigs they proceeded to destroy them. The men, cleansed by the power of Jesus, went into town and let everyone know what had happened. One would expect that the response of the townspeople would be celebration and awe. Instead, it was fear. Instead of begging Jesus to stay, as some others would do, they begged him to leave. They saw two men released from demonic control, but they lost a herd of pigs in the process. Pigs were unclean to Jews, unacceptable to touch, let alone eat. Whoever these people were, their lifestyle was so opposed to God’s standards that they could not stand Jesus’ presence. His presence and his teaching would change their lifestyle. They were unwilling to go down that road.


But the good news is that two men were freed from demonic control. Even in a world so opposed to God and his ways that his followers are accused of being evil, God is still at work. In a world blinded to true freedom, and enslaved to twisted morality God still cleanses lives. In a world in a death spiral of moral decay God is still changing hearts. We can look at our world and fear, or we can look at our world to see where God is at work. In the darkness you just might find that he is drawing people to himself and transforming hearts and lives for his glory. There is always Good News in the darkest days. God is at work whether he is wanted or not. Look for it and trust him.
