Matthew 9:17 - New Wine

Matthew 9:17 (ESV)

Neither is new wine put into old wineskins. If it is, the skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed. But new wine is put into fresh wineskins, and so both are preserved.”

I read a Facebook post this morning that said, “You cannot raise your children like your parents raised you because the world they raised you in no longer exists.” That is a profound statement. Jesus was calling his disciples and the disciples of John to recognize that they were experiencing a profound change in their world. They were there to see the shift from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant, from Law to Grace. His statement above was in response to their questions of why John’s disciples fast but Jesus’s disciples do not fast. Jesus’s answer was that it was a different time. The Bridegroom had arrived. This was the time to celebrate, not fast.


That has at least three significant implications. First, since the Bridegroom came, Law is no longer the way we serve God. Rules and regulations only exposed our brokenness. They can never change our hearts. Now it the time for the grace of the Gospel. Law is the old wine. Grace is the new wine. Don’t slip back into the old ways of thinking about your relationship with God.


Second is the need for great discernment. How do we know when it is time for something new? John’s disciples were still stuck in the old. They had a heart for God. They passionately proclaimed John’s message of repentance. But they failed to discern what John himself had told them. The one who came after him was greater than him. It was time for something new.


That brings us to the third implication which is, don’t copy. Just because John fasted doesn’t mean that you should fast. Just because Corner Church does things a certain way and it seems to be working for them doesn’t mean that we should do what they are doing. What is it that God has called us to? I just read this morning about an incredible ministry in Iquitos Peru. I am familiar with the ministry, and with a sister ministry in the city. What I love is that they are helping each other, but not trying to copy each other. One is not trying to clone the other. Discernment is not as easy as simply copying, but there is a need for discernment.


Don’t copy, discern. Be open to what God is doing, not what has always been done. But above all, the thing that does not change is the need to be gospel centered, not law focused no matter what we do. Let’s not put new wine in old wineskins. Stay gospel centered, but don copy. Discern.
