Matthew 9:37-38 - Pray for Workers

Matthew 9:37-38 (ESV)

[37] Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; [38] therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

Is it fascinating to me that Jesus didn’t say that we should pray for a bountiful harvest. Not that praying for a bountiful harvest is wrong, but Jesus was more concerned about laborers. When he saw the diseased, the blind, the demon-possessed, he didn’t see uncleanness. He saw a plentiful harvest. The fields were ripe and ready to be harvested. It was workers that were needed.


We watched the movie Jesus Revolution the other day, and were reminded of the powerful work God did across the country and around the globe starting with the most unusual people. He used hippies, drop-outs, drug users, but he cleaned them up and transformed their lives. Many in “respectable” churches rejected what God was doing, yet there are pastors in place today, ministries in existence today, permanently transformed lives today because of that movement. Were there abuses? Yes. Was there misunderstanding? Yes. Yet God changed the lives of the very people that the church thought unreachable. That is not dissimilar to what Jesus was doing in Matthew 9. He was ministering to the most unlikely people. He saw a ripe harvest and he said to pray for workers.


Today there is not a lack of truth, nor is there a lack of people open to the truth. But there is a lack of Christians willing to reach out and minister to the broken, the unexpected, the unclean. Pray that God would raise up workers, and as you pray, consider whether you might just be the one he is raising up. Lift up your eyes and see a harvest ready in the most unlikely places.
