Matthew 10:40 - What does it mean to be great?

Matthew 10:40 (ESV)

Whoever receives you receives me, and whoever receives me receives him who sent me.

When you hear the phrase, “Great man of God” who comes to mind? I’m not sure we understand great at all. We are such a celebrity driven society that the concept in this verse is almost beyond us. In some ways, this verse is about identity. What is done to you is done to Christ. Whoever receives you isn’t receiving you; they are receiving Christ. Whoever rejects you isn’t rejecting you; they are rejecting Christ. It’s not about you. It’s about Jesus. Turn that truth around and the same thing is true. What people see in you they see in Christ. We stand here in his stead.

This passage is not only about identity in the sense of identifying with Christ. It is also about identity in that those we consider great are not necessarily considered great in God’s mind. He promises reward to those who serve unnoticed, not just the flashy, on-stage names, but the ones working behind the scenes. He honors those who serve without acclaim, those who feed the hungry without advertising it. He rewards those who support, encourage, and pray for the ones doing the visible work. In the end, we might just find out that the great men and women of God are not the ones we thought after all.
