Luke 1:24-25 - Removal of Reproach

Luke 1:24-25 (ESV)

[24] After these days his wife Elizabeth conceived, and for five months she kept herself hidden, saying, [25] “Thus the Lord has done for me in the days when he looked on me, to take away my reproach among people.”

Elizabeth was held in reproach by the community because she was childless. The Mosaic Covenant promised fruitfulness. It would have been assumed that because Elizabeth was childless, she and Zechariah must therefore be sinners in some perverse and unseen way. God, by giving her a child, removed her reproach among people. That is what the Lord does for each person who puts their faith in him. Jesus, Messiah, came to take away our reproach. Romans 15:3 connects Psalm 69 to Jesus, “For Christ did not please himself, but as it is written, ‘The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me.’” He takes away not only our reproach among people, but our reproach in his sight as well. This is a message that the Jews did not understand. To them Messiah was the conquering king who would release them from subjugation to foreign powers. They did not understand that he came first to release them from subjugation to sin.

Reproach in the eyes of people can be valid or invalid. In Elizabeth’s case it was invalid. God called her righteous and blameless in Luke 1:6. For believers, that kind of invalid reproach will be removed either in this life, or when Jesus returns. But either way we do not have to believe the reproach. Trust the truth of a contemporary Christian song that says, “I am who you say I am.” We are who God says we are despite what others say or what we feel.

Valid reproach, reproach that we deserve because of our character and behavior, will be removed as we encounter Christ and are molded into his image. I think of my friend who was a drug user and dealer, but God got ahold of him, and he became a pastor who wore Bible verses embroidered on his shirt because he wasn’t allowed to pass out tracts in the local mall. He would walk through the mall and people would stop him to ask about his shirt. God removed him his valid reproach and transformed his life. He went from being chased by the police to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ.

There is also reproach in the eyes of God. That reproach is removed through the cross. When we place our faith in Jesus we are moved from enemy of God to friend of God. We are moved from being unclean to being pure and holy. We are transformed from the inside out by the power of his blood and his indwelling Holy Spirit.

God removed Elizabeth’s reproach. Her son John would introduce to the world the one who would remove the reproach of any who would believe him. Whatever is happening in your life, whether you are reproached by people for valid or invalid reasons, or whether you sense God’s displeasure and reproach because of your own sin and brokenness, God loves you. You can trust him. He wants to transform your life into a life of freedom.
