Luke 2:49 (ESV)
And he said to them, “Why were
you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?”
When Jesus was twelve, he travelled
to Jerusalem for Passover with his family. After the eight-day festival of Passover
and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, families headed home. Jesus stayed behind
and was found three days later in the temple. His parents were distressed, but
he responded, “Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” They didn’t
understand, but Jesus did. He knew his mission. He knew his Father. His parents
should have known but failed to understand.
Interestingly, the Jewish teachers
were amazed at his “understanding and his answers” (vs 48). These were likely
some of the same leaders who twenty years later would be calling for his
crucifixion. They were amazed, but they didn’t understand. I can’t tell you how
many times I have heard, “I like Jesus, I just don’t like the church.” But those
making statements like that also fail to understand Jesus. They like their version
of Jesus, but their fail to understand who Jesus really is.
Notice, however, that Jesus was
not disrespectful to his parents. His was a mission from God. His father was
God. He had every reason to be considered superior to his parents. Yet he “went
down with them . . . and was submissive to them” (vs 51). The world may not
understand Jesus. It may even oppose him and his followers, but that does not
give us the right or the reason to be disrespectful or discourteous. People
will divide over Jesus. Let’s make sure it’s him they divide over and not us.
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