Luke 4:14-15 (ESV)
[14] And Jesus returned in the
power of the Spirit to Galilee, and a report about him went out through all the
surrounding country. [15] And he taught in their synagogues, being glorified by
What a great start to the
ministry! Jesus was “glorified by all.” Only, the very next thing that happens
is that they try to throw him off a cliff. The story ends with Jesus hanged on
a cross only to be resurrected three days later. But, of course, that’s not the
end of the story. Luke is only the prequel to Acts and the story continues to
this day through his Holy Spirit indwelt church.
It is easy to get excited or
depressed if we dwell on a moment, a cross-section of ministry. The church
hosts an event and the building is packed. We go home feeling like something is
really happening. The next week hardly anyone attends. Half the church is
either out of town or home sick and we go home feeling like God has abandoned
us and nothing is happening. Imagine if Jesus had allowed his expectations to
be manipulated by his experience. One day he is exalting over the response of
Luke 4:14 and the next day he is ready to quit over the response of the crowds
in Luke 4:29.
Jesus knew why he was there. He
was clear on his purpose, and he knew how it would end. We can’t see the future
like he could, but if we are clear on our calling and our purpose, then we can
persevere whether the present looks rosy or bleak. His perspective went beyond here
and now. We would do well to keep our eyes on him rather than on our immediate
circumstances. He knows the future and he is the one who has called us.
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