Luke 8:21 (ESV)
But he answered them, “My mother
and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.”
Jesus’ mother and brothers were asking
for him. He responded that those who heard the word of God and did it were his
mother and brothers. Then follows the story of a storm on the sea of Galilee. Jesus
was asleep in the boat while his disciples were panicking. When Jesus was awakened,
he calmed the storm by simply speaking to it. The conclusion of the story is
that Jesus commands even the winds and the water “and they obey him” (Lk 8:25).
Two things are significant here.
First, the concept of obedience is reinforced. Those who hear ought to obey.
Even the inanimate winds and waves obey him. How much more should we, who claim
to be his disciples, hear and obey?
Second, Jesus just said that we
are to hear the word of God and obey, then the winds and water obey Jesus. This
reinforces the truth that Jesus is God. He was not just a prophet, although he
spoke prophetically. He was not just a Rabbi, although he taught his disciples.
He was not just a healer, although he healed many people. He is one whose words
should be listened to and obeyed. He is God.
How many Bible studies do we
attend where we curiously explore the text and then go home unchanged? How many
times do we struggle to open our Bibles every day to hear and obey? How many
sermons do we listen to unmoved to action? Today, may we hear and obey.
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